API Testing: How To Get Started

API Testing: How To Get Started

Software And Quality Assurance Testing

API testing is one of the most difficult parts of software and quality assurance testing. APIs are complex and often rely on standards and protocols that we have never encountered in other types of testing. Developers tend to only test the functionality of their code, while testers are responsible for testing the functionality, performance, and security APIs. They are responsible for determining how each component works together. API tester is an extremely convenient application for API testing. It is a very laconic and functional service and has everything you might need. You can test your API using API Tester because it is the most convenient. It handles message exchange via WS and WSS. Responses are structured, indented, syntax-highlighted, and device-optimized for viewing. HTML replies may be displayed as a website. Additionally, rapidly access response headers, cookies, and associated data like response size and request duration.

These are the top reasons API testers test their APIs.

  • You must make sure that it does the job it was designed to do
  • It should be able to handle the load
  • Learn all the ways users can cause havoc
  • Your APIs should work on all devices, browsers, operating systems, and platforms.
  • It is possible to be too expensive.

API testing is more time-consuming and results in a better product. It is easier to ensure that all data access (read/write) only goes through the API. This simplifies compliance testing and certification.

How To Start API Testing?

First, API testing begins with setting up an environment that allows you to test the API. This includes configuring the server and database to meet the requirements of the application. After you have set up your API testing environment and are satisfied with the results, you can make an API call immediately to confirm that everything is working before you move on to more detailed testing. To ensure that the API works as expected against all known input configurations, you can combine your application data and your API tests.

What is API Testingâť“ Benefits, Types, How To Start

Next, organize yourself around API testing. These are the questions you should ask yourself:

  • Who are your target customers? Who are your API consumers?
  • Which environment/s should an API be used most often?
  • Which aspects are you testing?
  • Which problems should we be testing?
  • Which are your top priorities?
  • What should happen under normal circumstances?
  • What might happen under abnormal circumstances?
  • What is the definition of a Pass? What data are you looking for? What is the sequence of events?
  • Which APIs can this API interoperate with?
  • Which member of your team is responsible for testing what?

Once you have established these requirements and testing boundaries, you can decide what API you want to test.

What Types Of API Testing Can You Perform?

  • Functionality Testing — The API works as it should and does what it is supposed to.
  • Reliability Testing — The API can be connected consistently to provide consistent results
  • Load Testing — The API can handle large numbers of calls
  • Creativity testing — The API can be used in many ways.
  • Security testing — The API has established security requirements, including authentication, access control, and permissions. The API allows developers to test their proficiency.
  • API documentation testing — Also known as discovery testing, the API documentation guides the user.
  • Negative Test — Checking for any type of incorrect input that the user may have

There are many types of API tests that you might run, but they will all be different. These are just a few examples of the common API test examples.

API Return Values Based on Input Condition

  • Verify that the API returns no results or is giving incorrect results
  • Verify that the API calls an API or triggers another event
  • Verify that the API is not updating any data structures.

API Testing Best practices

Here are our top 10 tips for API testing before you go off on your own.

  • Test for expected or typical results
  • A series of API load testing can add stress to your system
  • You should test for failure. You must understand why your API is failing. Make sure that the API does not fail gracefully and consistently.
  • Test cases for groups by test category
  • Prioritize API function call priorities so testers can quickly and easily test them.
  • By keeping the test as isolated as possible, you can limit the variables that are used in the testing.
  • You can see how it handles unexpected problems and loads by throwing everything at it
  • Plan your call sequence carefully
  • To ensure complete coverage of your test, you can create test cases using all input combinations
  • Automate where you can
  • Trust your gut instincts if something seems strange!