Best Tips To Help Your Teenager Become More Employable Early On

Best Tips To Help Your Teenager Become More Employable Early On

  • Part-time jobs and volunteer work provide teenagers with hands-on experience and skills that enhance their employability.
  • Communication skills through various activities can significantly improve a teenager’s professional and personal interactions.
  • Crafting a compelling CV and honing interview skills are vital steps toward job readiness for teenagers.
  • Effective time management is a crucial skill that prepares teens for their professional and personal lives.

Introducing your teenager to the world of employment can seem daunting. Yet, with some strategically chosen steps, you can significantly boost their employability early on. From developing valuable soft skills to gaining practical work experience, here are the top strategies to help your teenager stand out in the competitive job market.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities provide an excellent opportunity to enhance essential life skills, create a well-rounded profile, and stand out to potential employers. Here are some things to consider:

Encourage Part-Time Jobs

Part-time jobs can offer a significant boost to a teenager’s employability. They offer valuable hands-on experience, integral to understanding the dynamics of a professional environment. Part-time jobs foster a sense of responsibility and maturity, as teenagers must meet job responsibilities while managing their academic commitments.

They also help develop key soft skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and communication, critical for future professional success. Furthermore, these jobs provide an early understanding of financial management as teens start earning and managing their own money.

Encouraging teenagers to seek part-time jobs that align with their interests or potential career paths is essential, thus providing them with relevant experience and a glimpse into their prospective fields. The benefits of these early employment opportunities can be significant, providing an excellent foundation for future professional growth.



Volunteering is another outstanding way for teens to gain valuable experience, develop essential skills, and contribute positively to their communities. Involvement in volunteer work demonstrates proactivity and a willingness to take initiative, traits highly sought after by employers.

Furthermore, volunteer opportunities often expose teenagers to a diverse range of people and situations, promoting the development of empathy, understanding, and communication skills. Whether it’s helping at a local food bank, participating in a neighborhood clean-up, or assisting at a local library, the experiences gained through volunteering can significantly enrich a teenager’s personal and professional growth.

Volunteering can also help teens explore their interests, potentially uncovering passions or career paths they hadn’t previously considered. Ultimately, the generous nature of volunteer work can instill a sense of purpose and satisfaction, contributing to overall emotional well-being.

Develop Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are paramount in almost all aspects of life, particularly in the professional world. The ability to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and respectfully can significantly impact a teenager’s employability. Encouraging teens to participate in debate clubs, public speaking events, or even drama classes can help enhance these skills.

These platforms provide a safe environment for teenagers to express their views, negotiate, convince, and empathize with others – all key components of effective communication. Furthermore, they help teens build confidence in their speaking abilities, an essential trait for job interviews and professional interactions.

Moreover, these activities can strengthen their listening skills, an often overlooked but crucial aspect of communication. By fostering these skills early on, we can prepare our teenagers not just for the job market, but also for personal relationships and social engagements in their adult lives.

Work on CV and Interview Skills


Building a strong CV and honing interview skills are crucial to job readiness. A well-structured CV is a teenager’s first impression of potential employers. It should briefly reflect their skills, experiences, and interests. Encourage your teenager to keep their CV updated, highlighting any new skills or experiences they acquire.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to interviews. You can conduct mock interviews at home, focusing on common interview questions. This practice can help to alleviate nervousness and improve their ability to articulate their thoughts under pressure.

Teach them about the importance of non-verbal communication, such as maintaining eye contact and adopting an open and confident posture. Finally, remind them that it’s okay to ask questions during an interview. It shows their interest in the role and eagerness to learn, traits that employers always appreciate.

Teach Time Management

Teaching teenagers effective time management skills prepares them for the working world. By learning to prioritize tasks, allocate time efficiently, and set realistic goals, teens can become more organized, disciplined, and productive. Encourage the use of tools like physical planners or digital apps to plan their daily, weekly, and monthly activities.

Ensure they understand the importance of balancing work and relaxation to avoid burnout. Additionally, teaching them to handle unforeseen challenges and distractions will help them adapt and remain flexible. These time management lessons will provide a fundamental skill they can apply in their professional life and personal pursuits.

Enroll Them in a PSHE Secondary Curriculum

Enrolling your teenager in a Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) secondary curriculum can greatly benefit their overall development. This all-encompassing curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, and independent lives.

It covers key aspects such as financial education, career guidance, health and wellbeing, and citizenship. It promotes critical thinking, decision-making skills, and resilience, which are vital in personal and professional life.

By engaging in a PSHE secondary curriculum, teenagers can gain a broader understanding of the real-world challenges they will face as adults, and be better prepared to handle them effectively. Therefore, this curriculum is crucial to the holistic guidance and preparation teenagers need as they transition into adulthood.

In conclusion, guiding your teenager towards employability doesn’t have to be daunting. By leveraging these strategies, you can help them build a strong foundation for their future career. So, get started today, and empower your teenager to confidently navigate the professional world.