How To Do A Productive Exit Interview

How To Do A Productive Exit Interview

You need to follow some basic steps to conduct a productive exit interview. Besides documenting your questions, you must listen carefully and provide valuable facts during the exit interview. Once you have all the necessary steps, it is time to conduct the exit interview. Then, start answering questions! Here’s a helpful guide to exit interview preparation:

Answering Questions In An Exit Interview

One of the best ways to ensure a productive exit interview is to keep your answers neutral and truthful. While it might feel like a ruthless feedback-gathering process, one benefit is being candid. For example, it can help you understand if there are issues with competition or conflict. Insights can also be helpful for future job opportunities. In a nutshell, this approach allows you to gauge how well the company is doing.

A productive exit interview involves asking questions about the employee’s experience with the company and why they left. Employees may not want to share personal details, so answering questions about their work environment is essential. While answering questions in an exit interview can feel uncomfortable, a genuine effort to understand why an employee left is a great way to create lasting goodwill. In addition, your feedback will give you a fresh perspective on the workplace culture, management solutions, staff morale, and more. It will also help guide future improvements in recruitment and retention.


When conducting an employee exit interview, you should remember to remain neutral and respectful. While you may have a direct manager or HR personnel sit in for the exit interview, you should try to keep the discussion neutral and focused on the productive answers that the employee can give. In addition, before scheduling the exit interview, ensure you have reviewed state laws regarding exit paperwork. For example, some states mandate that employers distribute a final paycheck on the employee’s last day. You can also look up an exit interview template for productive exit interviews to help you.

A typical employee will be motivated to leave a company based on salary, benefits, and job security. If they went for reasons such as lack of promotion or compensation, it is helpful to understand why they left and work toward improving those aspects. If your company does not offer competitive pay and benefits, consider lowering them if they aren’t competitive with your competitors. If you do not offer competitive compensation, your employees will probably be less likely to apply for your company.

Listening Carefully

The key to conducting a successful exit interview is listening carefully to what employees say. When you ask questions about their reasons for leaving, you can learn much about what makes a candidate go. If they have strong reasons, you can capitalize on them and make your company more appealing to future candidates. It is not the time for you to try to argue, but to find out what they liked or disliked about their previous employers. A lunch break can help you listen more carefully and gain insight from their comments.

Remember that every employee handles exit interviews differently, so stay patient. When you’re conducting an exit interview, make sure to listen carefully and express your gratitude for the employee’s contributions. If possible, avoid doing the consultation with the employee’s direct supervisor. If possible, find someone else to conduct the interview. While conducting an exit interview, it’s important to remember that the employee has sensitive information and may feel uncomfortable sharing it with you.

The 17 Most Helpful Exit Interview Questions to Ask Employees on Their Last Day

Providing Valuable Facts In An Exit Interview

When conducting an exit interview, ensure you’re focusing on constructive feedback, not HR BS. An exit interview is valuable for you to provide constructive feedback and identify problem areas in your company. In contrast, gossip and office gossip is useless and rarely offer actionable solutions. In addition, you can’t use an exit interview as a forum to ask your departing employees if they’d consider coming back to your company.

The reason for this is simple. Employees leaving their jobs may be angry, hurt, or mistreated, so it is crucial to get them to be honest and open about what caused them to go. Asking them about these emotions and reasons can help you gather the most valuable facts about your employees. Remember, their feedback will help you improve your business practices and boost your team’s morale. However, you can’t simply collect the input.

When to Conduct An Exit Interview

When conduct a productive exit interview is essential for many reasons. For example, you may ask departing employees to share what they enjoyed about working for the company. It can also be a great way to build a positive employer brand. Similarly, a relaxed atmosphere may encourage employees to provide candid feedback. In addition, you may want to have the exit interview take place at the employee’s preferred location.

It is important to remember that each employee is different, making conducting exit interviews more difficult. First, avoid interviewing your direct supervisor. If you feel uncomfortable interviewing a departing employee, find someone else to interview them. Remember, the interview should be about your company, not you! Make sure to be patient and listen carefully to your employee’s concerns. If an employee refuses to answer questions from a direct supervisor, it may be a good idea to find someone else to conduct the interview.